Puppy Love


Happy National Dog Day!

In 2004, August 26th was set aside by animal advocate Colleen Paige to “bring attention to the plight of animals and encourage adoption.” Whether you adopt, foster, buy, or breed, having a dog in your family is a commitment to another living being not unlike the commitment we make to our partners and children. We promise to fulfill their basic needs for food, shelter, and affection. We commit to taking care of them in sickness and in health. We agree to love them even when they pee on our carpet.

First Corinthians Chapter 13, 4-7 offers wisdom on what it means to truly love another and is often read at weddings as a road map for love in marriage. The basic tenants of these verses hold true for any form of love. Be patient. Be Kind. Remain Calm. Protect. Trust. Hope. My twelve-year-old Yorkie offers me unconditional and unwavering love and devotion while requiring so little in return: belly rubs, a sunny spot for a long nap, the occasional piece of cheese. He is my constant companion and long-time friend. For National Dog Day, I’d like to renew my vow to love him for, better or worse, ’til death parts us.

Love is patient

Especially when waiting for a bite of your nachos.

Love is kind

And generous with affection.

It does not envy

It sniffs and licks, but doesn’t envy.

It does not boast

Even when looking pretty darn handsome after a grooming.

It is not proud

It’s not beneath begging for a belly rub.

It does not dishonor others

Even when the lap gets crowded.

It is not self-seeking

And it does not ask to be celebrated. But it does not turn down peanut butter frosting either.

It is not easily angered, It keeps no record of wrongs

Except maybe when forced to be part of a wedding…in the rain.

Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth

Other reasons for rejoicing: naps. Lots of them.

It always protects

Mostly against squirrels.

Always trusts

Always hopes

Always perseveres


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