The Top 10 High School Movies From the Past That Helped Mold You


A couple watching a movie. With back to school swiftly upon us, the start of a new school year always gets me thinking about classic high school movies. When did we suddenly become the age of the parents from these movies and no longer the age of the leading characters? Is high school now (for better or for worse) the way that it appeared in these iconic movies of yesteryear?

Here is a round-up of the top ten high school movies from the past that helped mold us and (maybe) gave a perspective of what high school was like.

1. Lucas

This bittersweet coming-of-age movie told the story of an outsider who quickly befriended the new, popular girl at school. I loved how this movie featured the rare, nice jock who she eventually dated.

2. Sixteen Candles

This saccharine sweet comedy about the teen girl whose family forgot her sixteenth birthday didn’t age well. The date rape jokes and misunderstood racist parents just wouldn’t pass today.

3. The Breakfast Club

I was never able to shake the fear of the full-day Saturday detention after this.

4. Back to the Future

I loved that this high school kid’s best friend was a mad scientist and a nutty professor in his fifties.

5. The Karate Kid

Similar to Back to the Future, the high school student and middle-aged mentor take on the school bullies with grace. I don’t think real high school dances (nor beach bonfires) can live up to this one.

6. Ferris Bueller

Ferris Bueller’s Day Off never gets old. The story of a high school kid cutting school too many times and his older sister that is determined to make him pay for it. Who else wished they lived close to a city this cool when growing up? Also, imagine the deceit that could be pulled off with today’s technology?!

 7. Footloose

This story about a high school that was banned from dancing would have made great sci-fi content in the eighties. It became much more imaginable when all parties and dances were cancelled in 2020. 

 8. Heathers

Backyard croquet anyone? Or a late night 7-Eleven binge fest. Due to its heavy and darkly comic subject matter, this classic (and maybe one of the best high school movies) would not fly today. No matter what your damage.

9. Clueless 

I’m convinced to this day that no high school kids dress this well. Points for the extra likeable high school students from this rom com classic that created its own vernacular.

10. Dazed and Confused

Centered around the last day of high school for several cliques of students in the 70s. As a parent, I can only hope that no high school kids are as cool as this.

What classic high school movie helped mold you?


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