TV Comedies That Fly Under the Radar


watching TV comedies

We have so many options of what to watch on television these days. We get recommendations through friends, colleagues, social media, and even Netflix will tell us what we might like. I am going to share some of the funniest TV comedies I have found that have not gotten a lot of publicity or maybe they are just starting to. For the record, they are for you to watch without the kids.

1. At Home with Amy Sedaris – In this program on TruTv Amy takes you through some of her unique and hilarious homemaking crafts and skills. She also has some of her friends and neighbors come by to help.

2. Catastrophe – This gem is found on Amazon Prime and Season 4, the final season, will be streaming starting 3/15/19. An American Ad Executive and a London school teacher have a whirlwind evening and it gets a little complicated from there.

3. Episodes – If you’ve ever wanted to see Matt LeBlanc be Matt LeBlanc, here it is. On Showtime, a British couple who write a show together come to the United States to air the show there. The couple has no idea what they’ve gotten themselves into, but Matt LeBlanc is the star of their “new” show.

4. I’m Sorry – On TruTv and Netflix, this show just launched its second season. Andrea Savage plays a comedy writer, mom, and wife with her mind largely in the gutter. She also navigates awkward moments as a daughter and friend.

5. Life in Pieces – CBS airs this hilarious show about a large family, their quirks, highs, and lows. There are different segments in each episode showing different angles of the entire story line. The newest season will air 4/8/19.

6. Playing House – Sounds like a couple of teenagers trying to figure out life, but it is not that at all. Two childhood best friends, from Connecticut, end up moving in together and raising a child after one of their marriages fails. They have history and amazing adventures together. One of my favorites is when they get into a Kenny Loggins concert very unconventionally.

7. Schitt’$ Creek – My dad actually told me about this show a few years ago and I didn’t get to watch it until this past year. A very wealthy family loses all their money in this show, except for a town they bought, Schitt’$ Creek. Follow along as they try to survive in their new home (two motel rooms) and town. You can find episodes on POPtv and Netflix.

8. The Detour – Follow this dysfunctional family on TBS. They set off on a road-trip with quite a few detours along the way, including running from the FBI, and perhaps a stay in Cuba.

These shows are great and light if you need to get away from some of the heavier dramatic shows. They are also short and easy to watch and definitely guarantee some laughs.

If you have a favorite comedy that hasn’t gotten a lot of attention please let me know so I can add it into my repertoire. Comment below!


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