Today I Am Grateful


thankful forNovember is the month for thanks and gratitude. During this time, I always see the grateful lists floating around the Internet and thought it would be an appropriate time to name the things I am so thankful for.

Today I am grateful for:

The early wake ups, which means I have kids to love.

The dirty dishes, which means we have food to eat.

The three loads of laundry, almost daily, which means we have clothes to wear. 

The constant cleaning up of my house, which means we have a roof over our heads. 

The chaos and loud noises, which means my kids are enjoying their childhood. 

The many unanswered text messages (I promise I will get to them soon) mean that I have friends and family who care enough to reach out. 

A paycheck, which means I have the ability to provide for my family.

The barking dog, which means we have an animal that loves and wants to protect us. 

The feeling of exhaustion, which means that my three littles keep me busy and happy. 

For Target, which means that this mama gets to participate in self-care. 

Most of all, I am grateful for YOU, my mom tribe, which means I have women to relate to and be supported by.

What are you most grateful for in this season of reflection and giving thanks? Let me know in the comments! 

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Melissa was born and raised in Fairfield County. She currently lives in Stamford with her husband and their three children. She spends most of her free time driving her children to various activities and making sure they are living the dream! She does make time for solo Starbucks and Target runs because self-care is important! You can also find her on Instagram @the_storied_mind, where she creates posts in the hopes of helping others and breaking the stigma for people to reach out for help regarding their mental health.


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