Relationships Changed


changed relationshipsCOVID has changed so many relationships for me.

I’ve lost friends because I can’t commit to anymore Zooms.

I’ve become disappointed and disengaged with family who can’t seem to return texts or calls, yet can drive hours away for the weekend.

I’ve spent more time than ever on the phone with my mom, who only lives barely three miles away but lives alone and needs “human contact.”

I can adjust and manage these changes; however, the relationship I worry about the most is the one with the people in my house. I worry about my husband and sons during these never-ending COVID days, as Teacher-Mom is returning. 

I love my job almost as much as I love my family, but last spring nearly crushed me. I have never been very good at separating work-life and family-life. At least when I was able to leave my physical workspace, I could take a break until after my children went to bed. 

With COVID, there is no physical break. I am among the lucky few who will be able to return to my physical space, for now. What worries me is when that is not possible again. Last spring, my children felt the brunt of this personal inability to “close the office.” My dining room table became my office. My kitchen became my charging station. My bedroom became my recording studio. My children’s toys became teaching props. My patio porch was my meeting area. My whole house became my classroom. 

From the moment we woke until the time my literal and figurative batteries died, I worked. Many nights when my children went to bed, they worried that I still wasn’t done with work and had to go on until the early hours of the night. 

Then add my husband to the list. He had to take a third seat. Gone were date nights, interesting conversations, or just hanging out on the couch and watching a show together. As our living room became the set for “4-S Life from Stamford,” my husband became a hard-working extra..standing in for stunts, lighting props, and an extra set of hands. Forget about anything else. More nights than I’d like to admit, he would go to bed while I continued to burn the midnight oil.

Yes, he’s an adult and understands, but as my partner, this took a toll on our relationship as well. This summer has been a slight relief, but quarantine life is still limiting what we can do to strengthen our relationship.

With school starting, I can feel my tension and stress mounting. Teaching is not a job. It’s a lifestyle that chooses you. As the fall unfolds, I will have to push myself to choose my family and important relationships just as much as I choose my passion.

The question is, will I be strong enough to keep my most important relationships first?

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Maria Sette
Maria is a full-time mom, teacher, wife, daughter, and sister, who feels pulled in too many directions! Her older son Michael took over 24 hours to be born, and at six-months-old was diagnosed with allergies to dairy, eggs, nuts, soy, shrimp, and wheat…all after exclusively nursing because she was SO SURE that would help him be a healthy kid. Luckily at age 1, he began to outgrow some of his allergies. Fingers crossed the others will soon follow because that plus a husband who doesn’t eat any veggies and Maria always battling her weight makes for three meals to prepare every night. Luckily, Christopher, her younger son, is a cooperative eater! As someone who has always been committed to making positive change, Maria uses her privilege and position as an educator and mom to work toward a most anti-racisit, equitibile, and inclusive world. Recently, Maria has even started getting up at 5am to workout in her basement. (Thank you pandemic living!) She is addicted to reading chicklit on her Kindle app in the dark, most Trader Joe’s products, and watching TikToks.


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