My Many Different Roles


As moms we tend to hold many different roles throughout the day! From Mom to short order cook, I’ll take you through a few or my roles during a typical day in our household!

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I am a Mom. Among all my roles, this is the most important and most encompassing of them all. My son Connor arrived early and quickly in October 2013 and everything I knew about my life changed, in a good way. I said goodbye to nights out with girlfriends and goodbye to simply grabbing my keys and leaving the house. I couldn’t ask for a greater change. In February 2016, Madison arrived and our family of 4 was created. Being a Mom is what I am meant to be. It is challenging, frustrating, exciting and even upsetting at times, but I couldn’t imagine it any other way. Untitled design (6)Untitled design (8)

I am a wife. Soon after Maddie awakes I hear the beeping of my husband Mike’s alarm. He grumbles and quickly gets up to shut it off, only to crawl back into bed to check emails. He and I are a team in all we do, from parenting to choosing where to order dinner (which can be a tough choice at times!). We have grown from those 23 year old kids into parents, and dare I say adults. I couldn’t imagine having anyone else beside me through this crazy thing we call life.

Mike and Casey enjoying date night!
Mike and Casey enjoying date night!

I am a chauffeur. Before Madison was born I was a full time working Mom, teaching kindergarten. I spent many hours in the car commuting to Norwalk and found this was my me time before returning to my mom role. Transitioning to a stay at home mom has made me realize that we need to get out and about to save all our sanity! I find myself planning some type of event each day. Grocery shopping on Mondays, swimming lessons and walking with friends on Tuesday, attending playgroups for both kids Wednesday, etc. The goal is to keep our calendar regularly filled! This doesn’t even include random trips to the playground, the Beardsley Zoo, Stamford Nature Center and any other place we can explore!

I am a chef. Every morning around 5am 4 month old Madison is ready for her bottle after a full night’s sleep (phew finally!). After feeding my baby girl, Connor usually wakes up, says good morning and is ready to place his breakfast order! I rattle off the typical options for breakfast and he goes back and forth 2 or 3 times before deciding on what he wants, with a possible melt down depending on what we have. He has even asked me what’s on the menu for lunch or dinner! I do the majority of the cooking at home but love when my husband is home to cook and can give me a break!

I hope I showed you a glimpse into a day in our lives, and the many roles I assume! As amazing, crazy, upsetting and tired some of these roles may make me feel, they are what make me whole! No matter what they may be, this life is pretty great!Untitled design (5)

What are the roles you find yourself assuming in your daily life?



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