Keep Going, Mama


A son sitting on his mother's lap and kissing her nose.If motherhood has taught me anything, it’s that being a mother is a test in endurance. Moms push through it all – exhaustion, overwhelm, frustration, disillusion, disappointment, and uncertainty – and we keep going.

To the moms in the trenches with newborns up all night feeding their babies, trying to decipher panicked cries, and learning the unique needs of this new life you’ve been gifted. Keep going, mama. You’ve got this.

To the moms of littles dealing with tantrums, sleep regressions, picky eaters, and growing personalities. Keep going, mama. You’ve got this.

To the moms of school-aged kids dealing with school routines, schedules, homework battles, and hurt feelings on the playground. Keep going, mama. You’ve got this.

To the moms of older kids whose children test the limits, gain independence, and make their own decisions. Keep going, mama. You’ve got this.

To the moms of kids with medical or educational needs dealing with difficult decisions, doctor’s appointments, specialists, IEP’s, and constant advocacy for your child. Keep going, mama. You’ve got this.

To the moms back at work, staying at home, or somewhere in between who wear a million hats as they shuffle conflicting responsibilities, family budgets, and ever-changing schedules. Keep going, mama. You’ve got this.

To all the moms in these crazy COVID times who are enduring canceled holidays, postponed plans, quarantines, and fear of making decisions that will jeopardize their children’s physical and/or mental health. Keep on going, mama. You’ve got this.

As we settle into a new year with new promises and uncertainties, know that you have overcome many obstacles to get to where you are now. Look around you for the small victories, the moments of peace, the fun and laughter that can still be found even in the most challenging times. Try to focus on your strength, find your support, and know that many other moms face the same challenges. You are not alone.

Let’s keep going, mamas. We’ve got this.


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