Hope for 2021


hope2020, you win. I lost hope. I have nothing left to give. The year started off strong. I had a vision board and everything. I set my intention to do more self-care activities, put myself on the top 3 list, and even vowed to see my friends more. 

Yeah, and that all went down the drain in March.

Now, with 2021 on the horizon, I’m resetting my intention and re-evaluating lessons learned in 2020. My biggest lesson was, my mom was right. Always be prepared for the unknown future. Thanks to her wisdom and teaching, when COVID hit, I was better off than most with food and supplies.

I miss hugs and smiles.
I miss earrings and lipstick.
I miss spontaneous trips and travel.
I miss not knowing what asynchronous and Zooming means.
I miss big gatherings and family parties.
I miss concerts and festivals.
I miss coffee dates and meals out with friends.
I miss not forgetting my mask and having to run back to grab one.
I miss the freedom of getting closer than 6ft to people I don’t live with.
I miss live sporting events and when grocery shopping wasn’t an Olympic sport.
I miss breathing freely and fully.
I miss pre-COVID innocence.

But what if the narrative changes from what I miss to what I hope for? Imagine what that little change in wording would mean. I hope 2021 will bring a fresh perspective, new opportunities, and most of all, hugs and smiles.

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Maria Sette
Maria is a full-time mom, teacher, wife, daughter, and sister, who feels pulled in too many directions! Her older son Michael took over 24 hours to be born, and at six-months-old was diagnosed with allergies to dairy, eggs, nuts, soy, shrimp, and wheat…all after exclusively nursing because she was SO SURE that would help him be a healthy kid. Luckily at age 1, he began to outgrow some of his allergies. Fingers crossed the others will soon follow because that plus a husband who doesn’t eat any veggies and Maria always battling her weight makes for three meals to prepare every night. Luckily, Christopher, her younger son, is a cooperative eater! As someone who has always been committed to making positive change, Maria uses her privilege and position as an educator and mom to work toward a most anti-racisit, equitibile, and inclusive world. Recently, Maria has even started getting up at 5am to workout in her basement. (Thank you pandemic living!) She is addicted to reading chicklit on her Kindle app in the dark, most Trader Joe’s products, and watching TikToks.


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