
Jen Melville is a wife, mom, and professional Sex & Relationship Coach. She has been married for 6 years to her husband Keivon and has an overly attached French Bulldog named Charlie and 4-year-old boy/girl twins. She survives on iced coffee and sarcasm. In her private coaching practice, Jennifer Melville Coaching LLC, she helps couples transform from tired, detached & overwhelmed, to connected, supportive & passionate sexual partners. Her programs are designed to meet her client's specific needs and desires. She teaches her clients simple, tangible, and consistent strategies to help their relationships grow and thrive in the bedroom and beyond.
A couple eating ice cream.

Date Ideas: Day or Night, Hop in the Car and Speed Away!

As parents, many of us focus on the different seasons of parenting and struggle to keep our marriage a priority. My husband and I try to remember we aren't just parents by having consistent...

The Meaning of a Name

I recently attended a meditation workshop, and the instructor told us to take out a notebook and pen. She would ask us a question and wanted us to journal about it. She asked us,...
Women at a book club sitting in a circle.

Yes I Joined the Book Club, No I Didn’t Read the Book

I vividly remember being a preteen sitting on my grandparent's lake house deck with my face shoved in a book. I get it from my grandmother. She is always reading, even now at 86...
A couple having a fun conversation.

5 Daily Practices to Keep the Spark Alive in Your Relationship

I get it! With busy twin 4-year-olds, my husband and I are in the thick of parenting! I've learned that staying connected to your partner requires consistent effort and attention. Here are five daily practices...
A mom feeling overwhelmed and over-touched.

Please Stop Touching Me!

It’s the end of the day and my husband and I are laying in bed. He leans over and tries to snuggle. At this moment, I want to crawl out of my skin and...
A woman holding a cup of coffee in bed.

How To Take a Mom-Cation

As a mom of twin 4-year-olds, wife, daughter, and business owner, I am constantly overwhelmed, over-touched, and overstimulated. As a Sex & Relationship Coach, I hear this from my mom clients all the time:...
Newborn twins.

National Infertility Awareness Week: My Journey to Becoming a Mom

In honor of National Infertility Awareness Week which falls on April 23-29 this year, I’d like to share my journey with you. I hope it brings comfort and validation if you are struggling in...
A mom playing pretend with a toy car.

Why I Stopped Comparing Myself to Bluey’s Dad Bandit

Bluey is one of my favorite shows for my kids to watch. It’s clean, educational, and has those hidden parent-only side comments mixed in to keep us entertained, and Bingo’s little laugh makes me...
A couple looking at each other.

The One Conversation Per Week That Keeps My Marriage Strong

I don’t know about you, but I often feel like my husband and I are operating on our own private islands, just waving across the ocean, hoping we can get close enough to have...

Meet Jen: Authentic Mom Life

Hey Fairfield County Mamas! I am Jen. I am excited to be joining the amazing contributor team here at Fairfield County Mom. I am originally from NH and moved to Long Island for a...