A new year: What I’m looking forward to in 2015


2015 Calendar Target Showing Year Projection PlanThis year brings a lot of new things for my family, and I just can’t wait. While there are only two major events at this point, we have a lot of planning to do!

The first major thing that will change things is a search for a home. For five very long years, we’ve been renting our house in Ohio while waiting to sell it before buying something new in Fairfield County. In the meantime, we’ve been living in a townhouse-style apartment, and boy, are we ready to leave! Luckily, we sold our house in November (and even made a small profit!), so we’re on our way to home ownership…again. Let’s hope we can find a great one that the previous owners don’t want to heat all winter and give us a great deal! I almost look forward to packing so we an get rid of the accumulation of “stuff” in our basement.

The second major change, though it won’t be happening until September, is that my daughter A will be starting preschool. As a 2-1/4 year old at this point, she already knows her (capital) letters, can count to 10 and randomly call out most numbers between 11-20. I don’t think this makes her exceptional, but it does mean that she likes to learn. Her daily vocabulary and reasoning skill accumulation amazes me, and school will only make that explode. I look forward to seeing her blossom in a school setting, as well as her making new friends.

In between those two events are some exciting, potential trips, events and new experiences. We’ll be visiting Word of Wings this month and  a trip to Sesame Place in the spring, a few amusement parks and beach trips in the summer. We have a trip to Legoland in the works, and a few in and out-of-state day trips in mind. There will be visits from my family who live in Pennsylvania, visits to see my husband’s family in western New York, play dates, snowmen, sledding and the park! We’ll be visiting our local haunts: Tot Town, Jack’s Clubhouse and The Children’a Movement Center. My daughter may even get to experience her first movie in a theater. We’ll do lots of crafts this winter (because, let’s face it, we’re going to be snowed in a lot) and experiencing nature in the spring. For me, I’ll continue writing for this blog, possibly writing for a second blog, volunteering with the American Cancer Society, and even giving consideration to going back to work once A is in school.

Last, but but not least, there will be a lot of family time! Yeah, we keep ourselves busy here.man-woman-and-child-vector-character-family-illustration_M1iTj1du

Here’s to 2015! I hope it treats you as well as I hope it treats my family. What are you looking forward to in 2015?


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